
These are studies we have included so far. An update of the literature search is on its way. If you have any studies that you think are relevant but not included here, please send me an email. You'll find my mailadress here: Claudia Neuendorf at uni potsdam.

Agirdag, O., Demanet, J., Van Houtte, M., & Van Avermaet, P. (2011a). Ethnic school composition and peer victimization: A focus on the interethnic school climate. International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 35(4), 465–473.
Agnich, L. E., & Miyazaki, Y. (2013). A multilevel cross-national analysis of direct and indirect forms of school violence. Journal of School Violence, 12(4), 319–339.
Bagci, S. C., Kumashiro, M., Smith, P. K., Blumberg, H., & Rutland, A. (2014). Cross-ethnic friendships: Are they really rare? Evidence from secondary schools around London. International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 41, 125–137.
Bellmore, A. D., Witco, M. R., Graham, S., & Juvonen, J. (2004). Beyond the individual: The impact of ethnic context and classroom behavioral norms on victims’ adjustment. Developmental Psychology, 40(6), 1159–1172.
Benner, A. D., Graham, S., & Mistry, R. S. (2008). Discerning direct and mediated effects of ecological structures and processes on adolescents’ educational outcomes. Developmental Psychology, 44, 840–854.
Benner, A., & Graham, S. (2009). The transition to high school as a developmental process among multi-ethnic youth. Child Development, 80, 356–376.
Benner, A. D., & Graham, S. (2011). Latino adolescents’ experiences of discrimination across the first 2 years of high school: Correlates and influences on educational outcomes. Child Development, 82, 508–519.
Benner, A. D., & Crosnoe, R. (2011). The racial/ethnic composition of elementary schools and young children’s academic and socioemotional functioning. American Educational Research Journal, 48, 621–646.
Bredtmann, J., Otten, S., & Vonnahme, C. (2021). Linguistic diversity in the classroom, student achievement, and social integration. Education Economics, 29(2), 121–142.
Burns, J. (2012). Race, diversity and pro-social behavior in a segmented society. Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 81(2), 366–378.
Campbell, D. E. (2007). Sticking together: Classroom diversity and civic education. American Politics Research, 35, 57–78.
Chan, W. Y., & Birman, D. (2009). Cross- and same-race friendships of Vietnamese immigrant adolescents: A focus on acculturation and school diversity. International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 33, 313–324.
Dekker, K., & Kamerling, M. (2017). Social skills scores: The impact of primary school population characteristics and parental involvement. Journal for Multicultural Education, 11(4), 275–286.
Demanet, J., Agirdag, O., & Van Houtte, M. (2012). Constrict in the school context: The impact of ethnic school diversity on the quantity and quality of friendships. The Sociological Quarterly, 53(4), 654–675.
Dinesen, P. T. (2011). Me and Jasmina down by the schoolyard: An analysis of the impact of ethnic diversity in school on the trust of schoolchildren. Social Science Research, 40(2), 572–585.
Due, P., Merlo, J., Harel-Fisch, Y., Damsgaard, M., Holstein, B. E., Hetland, J., et al. (2009). Socioeconomic inequality in exposure to bullying during adolescence: A comparative, cross-sectional, multilevel study in 35 countries. American Journal of Public Health, 99, 907–914.
Echols, L., & Graham, S. (2013). Birds of a different feather: How do cross-ethnic friends flock together? Merrill-Palmer Quarterly, 59(4), 461–488.
Felix, E. D., & You, S. (2011). Peer victimization within the ethnic context of high school. Journal of Community Psychology, 39(7), 860–875.
Graham, S., & Echols, L. (2023). Diversity protects: The role of school and classroom racial/ethnic diversity on the experience of peer victimization during the middle school years. Development and Psychopathology, 35(5), 2516–2532.

Graham, S., Munniksma, A., & Juvonen, J. (2014). Psychosocial benefits of cross‐ethnic friendships in urban middle schools. Child Development, 85(2), 469–483.

Grütter, J., Meyer, B., & Glenz, A. (2015). Social exclusion in inclusive classrooms: A question of viewpoint? Psychologie in Erziehung und Unterricht, 63(1), 65–82.

Grütter, J., & Tropp, L. R. (2018). How friendship is defined matters for predicting intergroup attitudes: Shared activities and mutual trust with cross-ethnic peers during late childhood and early adolescence. International Journal of Behavioral Development, 43(2), 128–135.

Grütter, J., Meyer, B., Philipp, M., Stegmann, S., & Van Dick, R. (2021). Beyond ethnic diversity: The role of teacher care for interethnic relations. Frontiers in Education, 5, 586709.

Hughes, D., Del Toro, J., Harding, J. F., Way, N., & Rarick, J. R. (2016). Trajectories of discrimination across adolescence: Associations with academic, psychological, and behavioral outcomes. Child Development, 87(4), 1337–1351.

Janmaat, J. G. (2012). The effect of classroom diversity on tolerance and participation in England, Sweden and Germany. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 38(1), 21–39.

Jansen, P. W., Mieloo, C. L., Dommisse-Van Berkel, A., Verlinden, M., Van Der Ende, J., Stevens, G., Verhulst, F. C., Jansen, W., & Tiemeier, H. (2016). Bullying and victimization among young elementary school children: The role of child ethnicity and ethnic school composition. Race and Social Problems, 8(4), 271–280.

Juvonen, J., Nishina, A., & Graham, S. (2006). Ethnic diversity and perceptions of safety in urban middle schools. Psychological Science, 17(5), 393–400.

Juvonen, J., Kogachi, K., & Graham, S. (2018). When and how do students benefit from ethnic diversity in middle school. Child Development, 89(4), 1268–1282.

Kalter, F., & Kruse, H. (2015). Ethnic diversity, homophily, and network cohesion in European classrooms. In R. Koopmans, B. Lancee, & M. Schaeffer (Eds.), Social cohesion and immigration in Europe and North America: Mechanisms, conditions, and causality (pp. 187–207). Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.

Kawabata, Y., & Crick, N. R. (2011). The significance of cross-racial/ethnic friendships: Associations with peer victimization, peer support, sociometric status, and classroom diversity. Developmental Psychology, 47(6), 1763–1775.

Kogachi, K., & Graham, S. (2020). Numerical minority status and racial/ethnic segregation in academic classes: Longitudinal effects on middle school outcomes. Child Development, 91(6), 2083–2102.

Kogachi, K., & Graham, S. (2021). Same-race friendship preference across the middle school years: The role of school racial/ethnic context. Developmental Psychology, 57(12), 2134–2149.

Lanza, H. I., Echols, L., & Graham, S. (2018). A silver lining: The role of ethnic diversity on co-occurring trajectories of weight status and peer victimization across early adolescence. Journal of Adolescent Health, 63(5), 554–560.

Lessard, L. M., Kogachi, K., & Juvonen, J. (2019). Quality and stability of cross-ethnic friendships: Effects of classroom diversity and out-of-school contact. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 48(3), 554–566.

Malacarne, T. (2017). Rich friends, poor friends: Inter–socioeconomic status friendships in secondary school. Socius: Sociological Research for a Dynamic World, 3, 237802311773699.

McGill, R., Way, N., & Hughes, D. (2012). Intra- and interracial best friendships during middle school: Links to social and emotional well-being. Journal of Research on Adolescence, 22(4), 722–738.

Menzer, M. M., & Torney‐Purta, J. (2012). Individualism and socioeconomic diversity at school as related to perceptions of the frequency of peer aggression in fifteen countries. Journal of Adolescence, 35(5), 1285–1294.

Moody, J. (2001). Race, school integration, and friendship segregation in America. American Journal of Sociology, 107(3), 679-716.

Munniksma, A., Ziemes, J., & Jugert, P. (2022). Ethnic diversity and students’ social adjustment in Dutch classrooms. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 51(1), 141-155.

Rjosk, C., Richter, D., Lüdtke, O., & Eccles, J. S. (2017). Ethnic composition and heterogeneity in the classroom: Their measurement and relationship with student outcomes. Journal of Educational Psychology, 109(8), 1188–1204.

Rowe, D. C., Almeida, D. M., & Jacobson, K. C. (1999). School context and genetic influences on aggression in adolescence. Psychological Science, 10(3), 277–280.

Schachner, M. K., Brenick, A., Noack, P., Van de Vijver, F. J. R., & Heizmann, B. (2015). Structural and normative conditions for interethnic friendships in multi-ethnic classrooms. International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 47, 1–12.

Schwarzenthal, M., Schachner, M. K., Van de Vijver, F. J. R., & Juang, L. P. (2018). Equal but different: Effects of equality/inclusion and cultural pluralism on intergroup outcomes in multi-ethnic classrooms. Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology, 24(2), 260–271.

Schultze‐Krumbholz, A., Ittel, A., & Scheithauer, H. (2020). The association between in‐class cultural diversity with empathy and bullying in adolescence: A multilevel mediation analysis. International Journal of Psychology, 55(5), 769–778.

Seaton, E. K., & Yip, T. (2009). School and neighbourhood contexts, perceptions of racial discrimination, and psychological well-being among African American adolescents. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 38(2), 153–163.

Siegmunt, O., & Lukash, A. (2019). Classroom heterogeneity, immigration background, and juvenile delinquency in Switzerland: An exploratory study. Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice, 35(4), 484-505.

Spiegler, O., Zingora, T., & Jugert, P. (2024). Classroom ethnic diversity, teacher support, and peer victimization: Evidence from four European countries. Infant and Child Development, 33(2), e2413.

Spivak, A. L., White, S. S., Juvonen, J., & Graham, S. (2015). Correlates of prosocial behaviours of students in ethnically and racially diverse middle schools. Merrill-Palmer Quarterly, 61(2), 236.

Stefanek, E., Strohmeier, D., & Van de Schoot, R. (2015). Individual and classroom predictors of same-cultural friendship preferences in multicultural schools. International Journal of Behavioral Development, 39(3), 255–265.

Sum, P., & Bădescu, G. (2019). Does inequality erode generalized trust? Evidence from Romanian youths. Acta Politica, 54(4), 584–606.

Tolsma, J., Van Deurzen, I., Stark, T. H., & Veenstra, R. (2013). Who is bullying whom in ethnically diverse primary schools? Exploring links between bullying, ethnicity, and ethnic diversity in Dutch primary schools. Social Networks, 35(1), 51–61.

Troop-Gordon, W., Chambless, K., & Brandt, T. (2021). Peer victimization and well-being as a function of same-ethnicity classmates and classroom social norms: Revisiting person × environment mismatch theory. Developmental Psychology, 57(12), 2050–2066.

Van Houtte, M., & Stevens, P. A. (2009). School ethnic composition and students' integration outside and inside schools in Belgium. Sociology of Education, 82(3), 217-239.

Van der Wildt, A., Van Avermaet, P., & Van Houtte, M. (2015). Do birds singing the same song flock together? A mixed-method study on language as a tool for changing social homophily in primary schools in Flanders (Belgium). International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 49, 168–182.

Van der Wildt, A., Van Avermaet, P., & Van Houtte, M. (2017). Multilingual school population: Ensuring school belonging by tolerating multilingualism. International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism, 20(7), 868–882.

Williams, J. L., & Hamm, J. V. (2018). Peer group ethnic diversity and social competencies in youth attending rural middle schools. The Journal of Early Adolescence, 38(6), 795–823.